🔌 Integrate Your Stack
Choose from the integrations you use most, and connect them to your dashboard.
Email subscriptions? Check. Customer support tickets? Check. Sales on that one item you really wanted to bring in and everyone else said it wouldn’t sell but now you’re running out of stock and you want to prove everyone right with daily Slack updates? Oh yeah. Check.
✨ Create Custom Views
Create tailored-to-you views (or as we call them, ‘Stacks’) with the key performance indicators you want to monitor.
With Stacks, organize the data that’s relevant to you, whether that’s by department, by app, or by team member. Meaning finance can block out order fulfillment statuses, customer success can turn a blind eye to email open rates, and marketing... well... they like to keep their eyes on everything.
🔍 Save & Monitor
Your dashboard will be ready every time you log in, ready to update you on the stuff you care about most.
Quickly see what items need your attention, and if you’re on track to meet targets - no manual toggling or adjusting necessary.